Tuesday, January 8, 2013

South Africa Wine Workers Strike Turns Violent

South Africa Police Fire Rubber Bullets At Farm Workers -- BBC

South Africa's police have fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse striking farm workers in the wine-producing Western Cape region. The workers barricaded roads and threw stones at police in De Doorns town, a top grape-producing area outside Cape Town, local media reported.

The strikers, who pick and pack fruit, are demanding their daily wage be more than doubled to about $17 (£11). South Africa has been hit by a series of wildcat strikes since last year. Talks between trade union and employer representatives to avert a strike on the farms broke down earlier this week. "We have been met with naked racism and white arrogance," said Nosey Pieterse, the general secretary of the Agricultural Workers Union.

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Update: Thousands of S. African farmers to go on strike -- World Bulletin

My Comment: Both sides are not budging.

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