Monday, May 14, 2012

A Look At Portugese Wine

First port of call: the growers of the Douro are branching out to make unfortified reds Photo: ALAMY

Portugal: The Land That The Wine Buyers Forgot -- The Telegraph

Portugal has been snubbed by the supermarkets, but there are big, feisty wines there waiting to be discovered.

The idea that there might be a meritocracy in the wine world breaks down when you consider Portugal. The country produces a fantastically diverse range of wines, from light, thirst-quenching vinho verde to complex and unusual reds and mateus rosé (stop sniggering at the back). It offers value to those looking for an everyday drink and interest for the nerds. So the problem with Portuguese wines is…?

“Selling them,” say supermarket buyers (off the record).

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My Comment: Their porto wines are excellent. But they do have the climate and geography to produce adequate wines.

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