Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More News On The Rudy Kurniawan Wine Counterfeiting Arrest

More News On Rudy Kurniawan’s Wine Counterfeiting Arrest -- Dr. Vino

The story of Rudy Kurniawan’s arrest on charges of selling counterfeit wine has been all over the news since the FBI arrested him on Thursday. Here’s some of the recent action:

* WineDiaraist and Wine Spectator have published photos from federal prosecutors taken from the scene of the alleged crime; one of those, with stacks of Petrus 1950 and Lafleur 1947 labels among others, is reproduced above.

* The compliant states that Kurniawan had been living illegally in the US since 2003. He tallied $16 million in American Express bills between 2006 – 2011. He ran up $11 million of debt in 2007 alone. At the time of the arrest, he had a Lamborghini, a Mercedes-Benz and a Range Rover in the garage.

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My Comment: Bottom line .... Rudy Kurniawan’s career as a wine expert is over.

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